Splash 2020 Calendar
"While we believe that human impact is the leading cause for the global climate crisis, our goal with this project is not to distribute blame and responsibility, but to focus on conveying that we're not simply the offenders, but ultimate victims.
Our carelessness and inaction will be the cause of our own extinction in the long run. With the 2020 Splash Calendar, we commence an approach to inform and also highlight our efforts and initiatives to saving the planet."
Raza Beig - Landmark Group Director / Splash CEO
Ag: The Classic Parthnership / ECD: Alok Gadkar / DH: Mangesh Zemse / PC: Portokal / CD: Addminimal Greative Studio / PH:Dragomir Spasov / Film: Svetoslav Stoyanov / 2nd PH: Michael Stefanov / DA: Kiril Kovachev / SFX: Rumen&Sanra Stoichevi / LA: Borislav Juikov / MUA: Maria Ilieva / Hair: Maria Nenova / Costume Design: Adriana Gerasimova & Alexander Gerginov